Seminars & Workshops
Looking for training in a specific area? Not able to commit to a set of classes? Want to brush up on leash skills, recall or impulse control games? Perhaps a Seminar or Workshop is for you!
Loose Leash
This seminar is designed to teach you and your dog skills and tools to apply on your walks so that you can focus on what matters most - creating a dog walk that is all about the dog; fun, enriching, building your bond, and enjoying the journey together. Skills required for a loose leash walk, and how to apply them, need to be taught before the walk so that you can actually use them on your walk - this will be the focus of our seminar!
The skills taught in the seminar will focus on:
Preventing pulling, eating random items off the ground, and barking/lunging/biting
How to be calm
How to ignore distractions
Emergency turn
Making your walk an interactive, enriching, and fun experience
Key leash handling skills to keep your leash loose so neither of you will ever pull again (and yes, I mean both of you!).
Recall Refresh
Learn SIX recall games and all participants will receive a written recap of the seminar skills and drills for your continued at-home learning.
Impulse Control
Impulse Control is not a skill that our dogs come pre-programmed with. Rather, it is something that we must teach and build value for making “good choices”. This seminar uses a games-based approach to building self-control!
Does your dog struggle with bolting out the front door, pulling on leash, running to greet dogs/people at full speed, snatching food from your hands, counter-surfing, putting everything in their mouth, jumping on people, chasing cats or other animals? Then this might be the right class for you!
*These seminar/workshops take place in a group class setting and are suitable for dogs who are comfortable working in the presence of other dogs.